Havening Therapy: An online path to healing and resilience, right from the comfort of your home.

Havening Therapy: An online path to healing and resilience, right from the comfort of your home.

Impactful change, designed around your lifestyle

The Havening Technique, a pivotal alternative therapy in mental health, has garnered attention for its profound impact on psychological disorders and emotional distress. Originating as a unique fusion of established therapeutic principles and groundbreaking approaches, it aims to alleviate symptoms and deeply heal.

Online therapy, designed around your lifestyle

We’re here whether you seek online mental health counseling or a space to express yourself. Faster Therapy connects you for personalised online services tailored to your needs. Experience the convenience of therapy online, and let’s navigate the path to better mental health together.

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Understanding Havening therapy

A therapeutic process for dealing with trauma and stress

Understanding trauma and stress

Trauma, stress, and anxiety, words often uttered in today’s fast-paced world, bear heavy burdens on mental health. However, understanding them goes beyond mere definitions.

Traumatic memories, events, or even singular experiences can embed themselves deep within our psyche, creating a continuum of stress that affects every facet of life.

Addressing PTSD and similar conditions requires an approach that respects both the brain’s intricate functions and the individual’s unique experiences. It’s here that Havening Techniques promises a beacon of hope.

Science behind the Havening technique

At its core, the Havening Technique is deeply interwoven with the brain’s function. Focusing on the brain’s electrochemistry, particularly the role of delta waves and cortisol levels, offers a reprieve from distressing memories and sensations.

Furthermore, a rigorous psychophysiological examination of the technique demonstrates its efficacy in recalibrating neural pathways, offering a tangible solution to intangible ailments.

Like any respectable therapeutic method, Havening has its fair share of scrutiny. Insights from randomised controlled trials shed light on its effectiveness, with both short-term outcomes and long-term benefits painting a promising picture. See:

Thandi, G., Deborah, T., Matthew, G., McKenna, P., & Greenberg, N. (2015). Impact of a Single-Session of Havening. Health Science Journal, 9(5:1)

Sumich, A., Heym, N., Sarkar, M., Burgess, T., French, J., Hatch, L., & Hunter, K. (2022). The power of touch: The effects of havening touch on subjective distress, mood, brain function, and psychological health. Psychology & Neuroscience, 15(4), 332–346.

Havening techniques vs. other therapies

In the vast landscape of therapies available, why choose Havening? Beyond its core methodology, Havening incorporates aspects of other therapies, including hypnotherapy, setting it apart in its comprehensive approach to healing. While each therapeutic technique has its merits, Havening stands out for its ability to address the root cause of trauma and offer lasting relief.

While the merits of Havening are plentiful, addressing mental health issues and ushering in holistic psychological health, there are potential negative effects to be mindful of. As with all therapies, ensuring a good fit between the client and the method is crucial.

Your Havening session: what to expect

Choosing the right practitioner

Finding the right Havening practitioner significantly affects the therapy’s outcomes. Faster Therapy provides a list of experienced professionals specialising in Havening Techniques. Before committing, engage in a preliminary discussion to ensure compatibility and delve into our success stories on the reviews page.

Setting up the virtual space

Our Havening sessions are delivered online, so creating an optimal virtual environment is imperative. Ensure a quiet, comfortable space free from interruptions. Good internet connectivity, a device with a camera, and headphones can enhance communication and create a conducive atmosphere for therapy.

Initial online consultations

We begin with a comprehensive online consultation before immersing in the core Havening Technique. This session lets our therapists understand your mental health symptoms, stress levels, past traumatic experiences, and other relevant information. Clear therapy goals are set, guaranteeing personalised and effective sessions.

Introduction to the Havening touch

In this stage, you’ll be introduced to the unique “Havening Touch,” a gentle touch applied to specific areas like arms, face, and palms. This psychosensory therapy aids in alleviating emotional distress and traumatic memories, creating a soothing effect on both our psyche and the brain’s function.

Addressing stressful memories

Utilising the Havening Technique, your practitioner will guide you to access and address distressing memories. Techniques like eye movements and sensory input help reduce stress and delink traumatic events from painful emotions, paving the way for healing.

Follow-up and self-Havening techniques

Post-session, your practitioner will guide you on self-havening practices that you can incorporate into your daily routine. These techniques empower you to manage stressful situations, anxiety, and any distressing triggers, ensuring continued progress and overall well-being.

What our clients say

At Faster Therapy, we take pride in the positive impact we’ve made in our clients’ lives. Take a look below and hear directly from those who’ve embarked on a journey of change with us.

Get help and get happy with Faster Therapy

We guide individuals, couples, and families toward better living through small, lasting changes. Through online therapy, we make big impacts with subtle shifts. Your journey to transformation starts with one small step.

Frequently asked questions

Further reading on Havening therapy and how it can help you establish transformational change.

Havening is a psychosensory alternative therapy that utilises sensory input (specifically through touch). The Havening Technique alleviates emotional distress, negative memories, and related mental health symptoms. It harnesses the body’s natural responses to soothe and heal the mind. It is also an effective method of stress management.
In a standard session, a licensed therapist would employ the “Havening Touch,” which can involve gentle touch on the arms, face, and palms. This touch, combined with therapeutic dialogue and sometimes eye movements, aids in the process of reducing and sometimes eradicating traumatic memories.
While massage therapy focuses on physical touch for relaxation and muscle tension relief, and other alternative therapies might target various aspects of health, Havening specifically addresses traumatic memories and associated distress at a neurological level.
Havening Techniques have effectively treated anxiety, post-traumatic stress, and related mental health issues. However, individual experiences can vary, and it’s essential to consult your GP for a comprehensive approach.
Havening techniques influence the brain’s electrochemical composition. Research has shown changes in delta waves and cortisol levels, indicating the brain’s responsiveness to the method, leading to decreased stress levels.
While self-havening is a concept and can be practised, starting with a licensed therapist is always recommended to ensure the techniques are employed correctly and safely. Self-havening can be a follow-up or supplementary practice under professional guidance.

Incorporating self-care routines and practices recommended by the therapist can play a vital role in maintaining the positive changes achieved during sessions. Regular check-ins and occasional refresher sessions can also be beneficial.

The technique works by altering the brain’s response to a traumatic memory. When a traumatic event occurs, the brain encodes this distressing memory. Havening helps to “delink” the distressing emotion from the memory, making the memory less potent and distressing.
While many individuals feel relief even after a single session, the number of sessions required can vary based on individual experiences, the depth of trauma, and other associated factors.