Find solace and transformation through hypnotherapy for depression in Cardiff at Faster Therapy. Start your path to a more luminous and harmonious life.

Find solace and transformation through hypnotherapy for depression in Cardiff at Faster Therapy. Start your path to a more luminous and harmonious life.

The roots of depression

The familiar ‘fight, flight, or freeze’ response is our body’s instinctive reaction to perceived threats, essential for survival. Depression, however, has various well-documented causes, including trauma, social and stress factors, chemical imbalances, and genetics. These factors can trigger a sense of threat to our existence.

When we perceive such threats, it’s a natural reaction to retreat and conserve energy, waiting for safer times. This behaviour parallels the ‘freeze’ response in survival mode. Therefore, depression can be viewed as an adaptive response to these perceived existential threats, a way our body and mind try to cope and protect us.

Hypnotherapy, designed around your lifestyle

At Faster Therapy we are dedicated to offering personalised hypnotherapy in Cardiff, catering to your individual needs and circumstances. Our approach is focused on providing a supportive space for you to explore and grow. With sessions designed to fit seamlessly into your life, we are committed to guiding you on your journey towards better mental health and wellbeing.

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Understanding the Impact of Depression

While initially a protective instinct, remaining in a metaphorical state of retreat can be counterproductive. This “shutdown” mode can make it difficult to recognise when the perceived threat has diminished or disappeared, often leading to prolonged or intensified depression.

If this resonates with you and you’re hesitant about leaving your comfort zone, keep reading to discover how hypnotherapy can help you.

Understanding Hypnotherapy

A compassionate and effective approach to managing and overcoming depressive thoughts.

What is hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy is a therapeutic technique that utilises hypnosis to create a state of focused attention and increased suggestibility. During hypnotherapy, the hypnotic state allows individuals to explore thoughts, feelings, and memories that might be hidden from their conscious minds.

In this state, you can envision and experience an alternate, more positive version of yourself. This experience brings about neurological changes. Through a series of sessions, tailored to your needs, this process is reinforced, solidifying the positive transformation you seek.

The Hypnotherapy Process

A hypnotherapy session begins with a free initial consultation. Following this, you will experience a relaxing and positive process where you’ll be guided into a state of deep relaxation. During this hypnosis session, suggestions will be made to your subconscious mind to help create positive changes in your thought patterns. You’ll be guided to feel what that different version of you feels like; kickstarting change at a neurological level.

How many sessions will I need?

The number and frequency of hypnotherapy sessions required will depend on the individual and the severity of their anxiety. While some may experience significant improvement after just a few hypnosis sessions, others may require more. Rest assured, each session is a step towards reducing anxiety and improving your mental health.

Does hypnotherapy really work for anxiety?

Hypnotherapy works to treat a wide range of mental health conditions, including anxiety disorders. It’s been supported by clinical trials and peer-reviewed studies as an effective method for reducing anxiety, improving self-esteem, and enhancing self-belief. It’s important to remember that hypnotherapy is not a magic wand—it requires time, patience, and an open mind to change habits and create a positive process in your life.

What our clients say

At Faster Therapy, we take pride in the positive impact we’ve made in our clients’ lives. Take a look below and hear directly from those who’ve embarked on a journey of change with us.

Get help and get happy with Faster Therapy

If you’re grappling with depression, hypnotherapy for depression in Cardiff might offer the relief you’re searching for. Reach out to Faster Therapy to schedule your initial hypnotherapy session and begin your journey towards a more joyful, balanced life.