Convenient, confidential mental health support from experienced professionals, anytime, anywhere.

Convenient, confidential mental health support from experienced professionals, anytime, anywhere.

Faster Therapy’s online services

In the rapidly changing world of mental health care, online therapy emerges as a beacon of hope for many. It combines modern technological advancements with traditional therapeutic approaches, offering accessible and effective mental health services to all.


Incredibly effective for numerous mental health conditions, such as anxiety disorders, addiction and trauma. Our trained online therapists provide customised sessions catering to your unique needs and concerns.


Havening Technique

The Havening Technique is a revolutionary method for mental health support. Havening is designed to navigate emotional complexities, offering solace, insights, and practical tools for mental well-being.



A blend of cognitive and behavioural techniques, NLP offers actionable strategies for self-improvement and personal growth, assisting individuals in understanding their own perceptions and patterns.


Online therapy, designed around your lifestyle

In recent years, online NLP therapy has emerged as a modern way to achieve personal development and healing. Individuals can now access NLP sessions from the comfort of their homes, giving them access to experienced practitioners without geographical barriers. Faster Therapy connects you for personalised online services tailored to your needs. Experience the convenience of therapy online, and let’s navigate the path to better mental health together.

Quick assessment

Answer just a few questions about your needs.

Find an online therapist

Choose from a hand-picked selection of therapists.

Talk with a therapist

Start your journey to a happier, healthier life.

Just relax, we’ll take care of the rest

Faster Therapy tailors to your individual needs, delivered in your own home.

Flexibility and convenience

Online therapy provides clients with the flexibility to schedule sessions at times that fit their schedules, without the need to commute. This can be especially beneficial for those who have demanding jobs, caregiving responsibilities, or other commitments that make getting to a traditional therapy office challenging.

Accessibility to specialists

Online therapy opens up the possibility to connect with therapists who may specialize in particular areas or issues, regardless of geographic location. This can be particularly valuable if you have a specialized need that local providers are not equipped to address. It also offers an opportunity for those in underserved or rural areas to access mental health services that might otherwise be unavailable.

Privacy and anonymity

Some individuals may feel a stigma associated with attending therapy or may feel uncomfortable running into someone they know at a therapist’s office. Online therapy offers a level of privacy and anonymity that can alleviate these concerns. Engaging in therapy from the comfort of home can reduce anxiety for some clients, making them more likely to seek and continue treatment.

Voices of transformation: Faster Therapy journeys

Discover real-life stories of profound change through online therapy with Faster Therapy.

Frequently asked questions

Further reading about online therapy and how it can help you establish transformational change.

NHS and online therapy

The NHS provides many mental health services, including some online options. However, individuals might need to pay out-of-pocket for specialised online platforms or private online therapists.

Private health insurance

Some people in the UK have private health insurance to supplement NHS services. These private plans might cover online therapy, but they vary by provider.

It’s best to check directly with your insurance provider. Some might cover only a percentage of the online therapy cost, limit the number of therapy sessions, or have specific requirements about the types of mental health professionals they will cover.

Affordability of private online therapy:

Faster Therapy offers affordable online therapy options, recognising that many clients might self-fund their treatment.

If considering online therapy, it’s always a good practice to directly contact your insurance provider (if you have one) to clarify what is covered. Discuss costs and payment options with the online therapy platform or individual therapist to ensure transparency and affordability.

While online therapy services have transformed the accessibility of mental health support, there are some risks to be aware of:

Technical limitations:

Interruptions in online therapy sessions due to lag or connectivity issues can disrupt the flow and impact the effectiveness of the treatment.

Most online therapy platforms prioritise data security, but the risk of data breaches or device compromises exists, potentially threatening patient-therapist confidentiality.

Crisis management limitations:

In severe mental health crises, online therapists might find it challenging to provide immediate aid, especially if the client is distant or in an unknown location.

Interpersonal limitations:

Elements like reduced non-verbal cues in online therapy sessions can make it challenging for therapists to fully grasp emotional undertones, potentially affecting the depth of connection compared to in-person therapy.

Privacy issues:

Engaging in online therapy from home or other personal spaces might introduce privacy risks if others unintentionally overhear discussions or disrupt the session.

Treatment effectiveness concerns:

Not all mental health conditions or individual preferences align with online methods. Some might find traditional therapy or in-person sessions more effective.

It’s crucial to select platforms known for their security, like Faster Therapy, and discuss any potential concerns directly with your GP, therapist or mental health professional.

Yes, Faster Therapy does accept insurance, making it even more accessible and affordable for individuals seeking quality online therapy services.

The demand for online therapy has significantly increased as the digital age advances. This rise is attributed to the increased recognition of mental health as an integral component of overall well-being.

Today, we understand that addressing mental health concerns like anxiety disorders, bipolar disorder, and even daily stressors are as essential as treating physical ailments.

Faster Therapy, a leading online therapy provider, understands needs and, as a result, accepts insurance to reduce barriers to accessing care.

This is a significant advantage, especially when comparing the online therapy cost across different platforms. Faster Therapy offers some of the best online therapy services and ensures they are affordable and accessible.

Online therapy has been demonstrated to be effective for a multitude of mental health conditions and concerns. Many studies have shown that the efficacy of online therapy, in numerous cases, matches or even exceeds that of traditional in-person treatment. Here’s a more comprehensive look into the effectiveness of online treatment:

Research backing:

Several research studies have investigated the effectiveness of online therapy, particularly for mental health conditions like depression, anxiety disorders, and stress. The promising results indicate that online therapeutic interventions can yield significant positive outcomes for clients.

Tailored experience:

Faster Therapy offers a platform where clients can find a therapist that aligns with their needs. This tailoring ensures a more personalised therapeutic experience, enhancing the potential for effective results. Online platforms often provide a broader pool of therapists, making it easier for users to find the perfect match.

Increased access and flexibility:

The convenience of online therapy services ensures that more individuals can seek help when needed. Avoiding the commute to a therapist’s office or being bound by traditional appointment timings can lead to more consistent therapy sessions and, therefore, better outcomes.

Comfort and safety:

For many individuals, being in a familiar environment like their own home during therapy sessions can make them feel more at ease, allowing them to open up more. This level of comfort can enhance the effectiveness of the therapy. Plus, platforms like Faster Therapy ensure that online therapy is safe, further amplifying clients’ confidence.

Use of technology:

Innovative tools and resources available on online therapy platforms can enrich the therapeutic experience. Technology can be pivotal in addressing various mental health concerns, from interactive exercises to multimedia resources.

A broad spectrum of services:

Online therapy is not limited to talk therapy. Specialised services like Hypnotherapy, NLP, and the Havening Technique offered by Faster Therapy can cater to specific needs, ensuring a holistic approach to mental health. The virtual nature of online therapy services allows clients to explore a range of treatment modalities that might not be locally available to them in traditional settings.

Feedback loop:

Many online therapy platforms have integrated feedback systems that allow clients to communicate their progress or concerns directly. This immediate feedback loop can enhance the adaptability of the therapy process, ensuring that the approach is continually aligned with the client’s needs.

Online therapy, increasingly recognised as one of the best online therapy services, provides a dynamic way for individuals to access critical mental health care.

As the digital age continues to evolve, so does our approach to mental health treatment. Understanding the ins and outs of online therapy sessions can help alleviate concerns and set clear expectations for those new to this mode of therapy.

Initial introductions and assessment:

The first interaction on an online therapy platform like Faster Therapy will often be with a therapist. This inaugural session aims to establish a rapport and understand your mental health history.

Your online therapist will gather details about any mental health conditions you might have, such as anxiety disorders or bipolar disorder. This essential dialogue sets the tone for future therapy sessions and ensures you receive personalised mental support tailored to your needs.

Choosing a comfortable environment:

The beauty of online therapy services is the flexibility they offer. Whether cosying up in your favourite chair or finding a peaceful spot outdoors, you decide where your session occurs. Many find this personalised touch makes online therapy even more effective than traditional in-person therapy.

Structured conversations with online therapists:

Talking therapy with online therapists is similar to in-person sessions. The structured sessions focus on your mental health concerns, progress, and any mental health emergencies or crises. Your therapist might employ various therapeutic techniques, depending on your needs.

Communication options:

While many prefer the video call format for its close resemblance to traditional therapy appointments, platforms also offer alternatives such as text chats, phone calls, or email for those seeking varied modes of communication.

Feedback loop:

A unique aspect of the best online therapy platforms is the built-in feedback mechanism. Platforms allow users to provide feedback as therapy progresses, ensuring that licensed therapists continuously refine their approach.

Session conclusion and ongoing support:

Wrapping up an online therapy session typically involves summarising key points, recommending actionable steps, and scheduling the next session. This structure ensures continuity in addressing mental health concerns and tracking improvement.

Finding the best online therapy tailored to your needs is essential for an effective therapeutic experience. With many online therapy platforms available, narrowing your options might feel overwhelming. Here’s a guide to help you navigate the process:

Define your goals:

First and foremost, understand what you’re seeking from therapy. Are you looking to manage anxiety disorders, cope with bipolar disorder, or address eating disorders?

By pinpointing your mental health concerns, you can identify platforms and online therapists specialising in those areas.

Consider the therapeutic approach:

Different therapists and platforms might emphasise various treatment modalities. For example, some might focus on talk therapy or other specialised techniques. Match these with your preference and what’s best suited for your mental health conditions.

Affordability matters:

While you shouldn’t compromise on quality, seeking affordable online therapy is reasonable. Compare online therapy cost per session or week across different platforms. Some might even offer packages which can be more economical in the long run.

Flexibility and accessibility:

The best online therapy services offer flexibility in terms of communication. Choose a platform that aligns with your comfort level, whether it’s in-person video sessions, phone calls, or text-based interactions.

Ensure privacy and confidentiality:

The online therapy platform you choose must uphold the highest standards of patient confidentiality. Is online therapy safe on this platform? Do they use encrypted channels for communication? Researching and understanding their security protocols is crucial.

Check reviews and testimonials:

Look for feedback from other online therapy users. Reviews can provide insights into the effectiveness of therapists on a particular platform and the overall user experience.

Free introductory sessions:

Some of the best online therapy platforms offer initial free sessions. This can be an excellent way to gauge if the platform’s approach aligns with your needs without a long-term commitment.

Fit and comfort:

Lastly, the rapport between you and your therapist is invaluable. Even if a therapist comes highly recommended or a platform ranks as the best online therapy service, the personal connection ultimately dictates the therapy’s success. Feel free to switch therapists or platforms if the fit needs to be corrected.

Embarking on a therapeutic journey can be a transformative experience, offering many advantages when one remains consistent with the process.

In mental health, therapy provides a haven, a confidential space where individuals can open up about their deepest fears, traumas, aspirations, and experiences. Over time, continuous interaction with a licensed therapist or counsellor leads to profound insights into one’s behaviour patterns, thought processes, and emotional triggers.

One of the most compelling benefits of persisting with therapy, especially online therapy, is developing coping mechanisms. In today’s ever-evolving world, stressors are ubiquitous, ranging from personal relationships and work pressures to broader concerns about global events or health crises. Sticking with therapy ensures that individuals identify these stressors and arm themselves with the tools and strategies to handle them, promoting a balanced mental health environment.

Furthermore, therapy is not just about addressing specific mental health conditions or concerns. It’s about holistic personal development. Over time, individuals consistently engage in therapy sessions often discover enhanced emotional intelligence, better interpersonal relationships, improved self-awareness, and a deeper understanding of their goals and values. This growth, in turn, affects various spheres of life, from professional achievements to personal contentment.

Continued therapy can also play a pivotal role in medication management, especially for patients with conditions requiring pharmaceutical intervention. Regular interactions with a therapist or mental health professional ensure that medication’s effects, side effects, and overall impact on one’s well-being are consistently monitored and adjusted as necessary.

Consistency in therapy also fosters a strong therapist-client relationship. This bond, cultivated over numerous sessions, becomes a cornerstone of the therapeutic process. As trust deepens, clients often find themselves more open, honest, and receptive to feedback and guidance. The therapeutic alliance, as it’s termed in professional circles, can significantly amplify the benefits of therapy, making the journey more impactful.

Lastly, while the rise of online therapy platforms offers unprecedented convenience and accessibility, the essence of therapy remains unchanged. Whether one opts for traditional in-person sessions or explores the realm of virtual counselling, the essence of therapeutic engagement is continuity.

Like any profound change and growth journey, therapy yields its richest rewards when approached with patience, commitment, and perseverance.

Incorporating therapy, especially from renowned online therapy services, into one’s routine is akin to investing in mental and emotional well-being. It’s an affirmation that amidst the cacophony of life’s challenges, one is taking proactive steps to nurture, heal, and evolve. By sticking with therapy, individuals not only navigate their immediate concerns but also equip themselves for future challenges, ensuring a resilient and fulfilling life journey.

The duration of therapy varies significantly from one individual to another. It largely depends on a multitude of factors, including the nature and severity of the concerns being addressed, the goals of the client, and the modality of therapy employed.

When considering therapy, especially online therapy, which offers a variety of platforms and therapists to choose from, it’s essential to understand that there’s no one-size-fits-all answer.

Some might find that short-term interventions, lasting a few weeks to a few months, are adequate to address specific issues such as acute stress reactions or minor adjustment difficulties. These might entail focused therapy sessions targeting a particular problem, helping the individual develop coping mechanisms or offering support during a challenging phase in their life.

On the other hand, long-standing or more complex issues, such as chronic mental health conditions like bipolar disorder or anxiety disorders, might necessitate more extended engagement.

Deep-rooted concerns stemming from childhood traumas or persistent behavioural patterns can take time to untangle. In these cases, therapy can last several months to several years, with the client and therapist collaboratively deciding on the pacing and frequency of therapy sessions.

Goals set during therapy are crucial in guiding the process. Some individuals approach therapy with specific objectives, like improving their relationships, managing work-related stress, or navigating major life transitions. Achieving these goals might indicate the completion of the therapeutic journey, even though other deeper issues could still exist.

Importantly, in today’s rapidly evolving mental health care landscape, online therapists and mental health professionals are ever more attuned to the needs of their clients. The flexibility offered by virtual therapy platforms allows for a more tailored approach, adjusting the frequency and duration of sessions based on individual progress and needs.

It’s also worth noting that therapy is not just a solution to a problem but a journey of personal growth and self-awareness. Some people continue with therapy even after resolving their initial concerns because they value its insights, perspectives, and support.

Incorporating therapy, especially from renowned online therapy services, into one’s routine is akin to investing in mental and emotional well-being. It’s an affirmation that amidst the cacophony of life’s challenges, one is taking proactive steps to nurture, heal, and evolve. By sticking with therapy, individuals not only navigate their immediate concerns but also equip themselves for future challenges, ensuring a resilient and fulfilling life journey.

Therapy is a process centred on helping individuals understand and resolve problems, make decisions, and work towards desired changes in various aspects of their lives.

It involves a structured interaction between a trained therapist and a client (an individual, couple, family, or group), aiming to address specific mental, emotional, or behavioural issues.

At its core, therapy offers a safe, confidential environment where individuals can openly discuss and reflect on their feelings, beliefs, and behaviours. The therapeutic relationship, characterised by trust and understanding, facilitates positive change.

The therapist’s role isn’t to give direct advice or solutions but to guide, support, and provide insights that help clients find their own answers and paths forward.

With technological advancement, online therapy services have become increasingly popular, providing individuals access to support from the comfort of their homes. This mode of therapy has proven especially useful in reaching populations that might have limited access to traditional therapy, either due to geographic, financial, or stigma-related barriers.

The reasons individuals seek therapy are diverse. Some may be dealing with severe mental health conditions like anxiety disorders, bipolar disorder, or eating disorders. In contrast, others might seek guidance for life’s challenges like relationship issues, grief, or career decisions.

Additionally, therapy is not just reactive; many seek it as a proactive measure to understand themselves better, enhance personal growth, or maintain good mental health.

In essence, therapy is a tool for understanding, growth, and healing, adaptable to the unique needs of every individual. Whether through traditional in-person sessions or virtual counselling on an online therapy platform, therapy provides a space for introspection, transformation, and support.

If you don’t resonate with or feel comfortable with your therapist, it’s a legitimate concern, and it’s essential to address it.

The therapeutic relationship is foundational to the success of the therapy process. Feeling safe, understood, and respected is crucial for opening up and working collaboratively towards your mental health goals. Here’s what you can consider doing if you don’t like your therapist:

Reflect on your feelings:

First, it’s vital to understand why you feel the way you do about your therapist. Is it their approach or style? Do they remind you of someone you had conflicts with in the past? Sometimes, initial reactions can be tied to transference, where feelings related to other significant relationships get projected onto your therapist.

Communicate your concerns:

Before deciding to switch therapists, consider discussing your feelings with your current therapist. A competent therapist will appreciate your honesty, and this conversation can often lead to a deeper understanding and improve the therapeutic relationship. They might adjust their approach, offer insights, or help you process your feelings about the relationship.

Consider a change:

If, after discussing your concerns, things don’t improve, or if you feel it’s not appropriate to discuss your feelings with the therapist, consider finding a new therapist. It’s essential to be with someone you trust and feel comfortable with. Your mental health is a priority, and seeking a better fit is okay.

Consult with another professional:

If you’re unsure whether your feelings relate to the therapy process or the therapist, consider getting a consultation from another mental health professional. They can offer a different perspective on your concerns.

Ending the relationship:

If you decide to end the therapeutic relationship, it’s advisable to have a closing session. It allows you to discuss your reasons, reflect on progress made, and get recommendations for other therapists or resources.

Seek recommendations:

When looking for a new therapist, consider seeking recommendations from trusted sources, like friends, family, or other health professionals. Some online therapy platforms also allow you to change therapists easily if you feel the match isn’t right.

Trust yourself:

Remember, therapy is a deeply personal experience, and everyone’s journey is unique. Trust your instincts and feelings. If something doesn’t feel right, advocating for yourself and seeking the best possible care is okay.

Lastly, it’s crucial to understand that not clicking with a therapist doesn’t mean therapy isn’t for you. The right therapeutic match can make a significant difference, so don’t be discouraged. There are many therapists with diverse approaches, backgrounds, and personalities, and there’s likely one that will be a good fit for your needs.

Returning to online therapy after a break or after trying traditional in-person therapy can be a decision based on convenience, current life circumstances, or personal preference.

The rise of online therapy platforms has made mental health care more accessible for many, allowing for flexible scheduling, a broader choice of therapists, and the comfort of therapy from one’s home. Here’s what to consider when thinking about returning to online therapy:

Understanding your motivation:

Understanding why you want to return to online therapy can help establish a successful therapeutic experience.

Maybe you found in-person sessions challenging to schedule or moved to a remote area where face-to-face therapy is less accessible.

Alternatively, some people prefer the digital medium’s perceived anonymity, sometimes making it easier to open up.

Assessing the benefits and limitations:

Remember the advantages of online therapy – flexibility, accessibility, and a wide range of therapists. However, also consider the limitations. For example, online therapy may not be suitable for individuals in a severe mental health crisis, and there’s the potential for technical difficulties or privacy concerns.

Selecting the right platform and therapist:

Numerous online therapy platforms are available, each with its own set of professionals, pricing structures, and specialities. Do your research to find the platform that fits your needs. Once you’ve chosen a platform, take your time in selecting a therapist. Many platforms offer profiles of their therapists, including their areas of expertise, methodologies, and personal statements.

Setting the stage for success:

Ensure you have a quiet, private space for your sessions. A good internet connection is crucial, as are headphones if you want more privacy. Also, consider the device you’re using – while smartphones are convenient, a larger screen might provide a more immersive experience.

Establishing goals and boundaries:

As with any therapy, it’s essential to establish your goals early on. Whether you’re dealing with a new challenge or continuing to work on previous issues, setting clear objectives will help guide the therapeutic process. Additionally, discuss any boundaries or concerns about the online format with your therapist.

Regularly reassess your experience:

Check-in with yourself regularly to ensure that online therapy continues to meet your needs. Are you making progress towards your goals? Do you feel comfortable with your therapist? Is the online format still suitable for your current situation?

Backup plan for technical issues:

It’s possible to experience technical difficulties during online sessions. Have a backup plan with your therapist, whether that means switching to a phone call or rescheduling the session.

Remember in-person options:

If, at any point, you feel that online therapy is not providing the support you need, remember that in-person therapy is still an option. Some individuals also find a hybrid approach beneficial, mixing online sessions with face-to-face meetings.

Virtual therapy in the UK has experienced a surge in demand, especially after the global health crisis. As such, many online platforms have emerged, each offering distinct services tailored to various needs. While the “best” virtual therapy is subjective and dependent on an individual’s specific requirements, several virtues stand out when evaluating online therapy in the UK.

One of the most critical factors in any therapy—be it traditional or virtual—is the calibre of the therapists. Leading virtual therapy platforms ensure their therapists are licensed, have extensive experience, and undergo regular training and supervision. They typically comprise a mix of clinical psychologists, licensed professional counsellors, and clinical social workers, all with a rich background in mental health care.

The beauty of virtual therapy lies in its accessibility. The best platforms offer flexible schedules, allowing clients to book sessions outside traditional working hours and connecting from anywhere—home, office, or while travelling—is a significant advantage.

The leading platforms often provide personalised therapy approaches tailored to an individual’s mental health concerns, whether anxiety disorders, depression, bipolar disorder, or relationship issues.

Confidentiality is paramount in therapy. Renowned platforms in the UK adhere to strict privacy regulations, ensuring that therapy sessions and client information remain secure and confidential.

Affordability is another virtue to consider. The best platforms often provide multiple payment options, including per session, monthly subscriptions, or packages. Some might even work with health insurance providers, making therapy even more accessible to a broader audience.

While talk therapy remains a staple, several platforms embrace an integrated approach, offering complementary services like mindfulness exercises, meditation sessions, and resources catering to holistic well-being.

Faster Therapy stands out for its emphasis on efficient, evidence-based approaches that aim to provide results in a relatively short span.

The platform’s name suggests a commitment to helping clients achieve their therapeutic goals time-efficiently without compromising quality.

Their team of experienced therapists harness a blend of therapeutic modalities, ensuring that clients receive a tailored approach best suited to their individual needs.

In conclusion, while several platforms offer virtual therapy in the UK, the best service depends on individual preferences and requirements.

It’s always recommended to research and try a few sessions with different platforms or therapists to find the most compatible fit. Whether it’s Faster Therapy or another service, the primary goal should always be prioritising mental well-being and finding a platform and therapist that align with one’s therapeutic journey.

Most reputable online therapy platforms work with experienced therapists with the same training and certification processes as those who practice in traditional, in-person settings.

Numerous studies have examined the effectiveness of online therapy. Many have found it can be as effective as traditional face-to-face therapy, especially for anxiety, depression, and stress.

Online therapy can make mental health services more accessible to people with difficulty attending in-person sessions due to geographic, mobility, or scheduling challenges.

Legitimate online therapy platforms prioritise client confidentiality. They utilise encrypted data, secure chat platforms, and other technologies to protect personal information and the content of sessions.

Just like in-person therapy, online therapy is governed by professional standards and ethical guidelines. Organisations such as the American Psychological Association (APA) and the UK’s British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) offer guidance for practitioners delivering therapy online.

Many find online platforms user-friendly, offering features like messaging, video sessions, and tools or resources to aid in therapy.

Clients can often schedule sessions outside traditional office hours, making therapy more accommodating.

However, while online therapy has numerous benefits, there are also considerations to keep in mind:

  • Online therapy might not be the best option for those with severe mental health disorders or those in crisis. In such cases, in-person therapy or more intensive treatment might be more appropriate.
  • Technical glitches, such as a poor internet connection, can interrupt sessions and impact the quality of therapy.
  • Therapists might miss some non-verbal cues they typically catch in an in-person session. However, experienced online therapists develop skills to work around this.
  • As with any service, the quality can vary. It’s essential to research platforms and individual therapists to find the best fit.